HTML Help Page

If creating a webpage like this seems like a daunting task, it is! However, there are resources out there that can help. I did not know what HTML was a few months ago. Thanks to MR. Weidner and these resources, I was able to complete this page!

 W3 Schools HTML Tutorial -  This source was used to research the Address tag for my HTML Homework 1 assignment. This tag supplies the contact information for the author of the document.This can be email address, URL, physical address, phone number, social media handle. 

mdn web docs - This source was used to research the Time tag for my HTML Homework 1 assignment. This tag establsihes a datetime attribute. This is a machine readable format that returns better search engine results.

Quackit - This source was used to research the Definition List tag for my HTML Homework 1 assignment. This tag contains multiple entries, one acting as a term and the other defining that term.