This tag supplies the contact information for the author of the document.This can be email address, URL, physical address, phone number, social media handle.
Homework completed by Tom CosgroveThis is the code that produced the output above:
<p><b> Address </b></p>
Homework completed by Tom Cosgrove<br>
CIS145: Internet Concepts With HTML (Section 7H1 FA23)<br>
Luzerne County Community College
I researched this tag at
This tag establsihes a datetime attribute. This is a machine readable format that returns better search engine results.
My 30th birthday will fall on
I will celebrate at and the party will last for .
This is the code that produced the output above:
<p><b> Time </b></p>
<p>My 30th birthday will fall on <time datetime="2023-09-02">Sept 2.</time></p>
<p>I will celebrate at <time datetime="14:00">2:00 pm</time> and the party will last for
<time datetime="PT4H15M">4 hours and 15 minutes</time>.</p>
I researched this tag at mdn web docs
This tag contains multiple entries, one acting as a term and the other defining that term.
Description List
This is the code that produced the output above:
<p><b> Description List </b></p>
<h3>Drake Duck Identification</h3>
<dt>Wood Duck</dt>
<dd>Male wood ducks have a crested head that is iridescent green and purple with a white stripe leading from the eye to the end of the crest, and another narrower white stripe from the base of the bill to the tip of the crest. The throat is white and the chest is burgundy with white flecks, gradually grading into a white belly. The bill is brightly patterned black, white and red. The legs and feet are a dull straw yellow and the iris is red.</dd>
<dd>The male mallard's white neck-ring separates the green head from the chestnut-brown chest, contrasts with the gray sides, brownish back, black rump and black upper- and under-tail coverts. The speculum is violet-blue bordered by black and white, and the outer tail feathers are white. The bill is yellow to yellowish-green and the legs and feet are coral-red. </dd>
<dd>Male canvasbacks have a chestnut-red head and neck, a black breast, grayish back, black rump and blackish-brown tail. The sides, flank and belly are white, while the wing coverts are grayish and vermiculated with black. The bill is blackish and the legs and feet are bluish-gray. The iris is bright red in the spring, but duller in the winter.</dd>
<dt>Common Merganser</dt>
<dd>Male common mergansers have a greenish-black crested head and upper neck. The lower neck, breast and underparts are creamy-white with a variable pink wash. They have black backs and upperwing coverts with white scapulars. The bill is red with a blackish culmen and nail. The legs and feet are a deep red. </dd>
I researched this tag at
Duck descriptions from